VR Medical Simulation Centre

Everything you need to create, manage, and conduct virtual medical simulation. An operational virtual facility that provides the complete resources for immersive hands-on medical simulation.

Scenario Customizer

Customize complex medical scenarios according to injuries, examination, and investigation findings according to training needs and learning outcome.

Virtual Patient

Create patient’s profile according to gender, age, and ethnicity. Responsive and interactive with no parts and accessories replacement.

Trainer Station

Manage trainer-trainee communication, role assignment and patient condition on the fly for more dynamic learning experience.

Virtual Reflection Room

Access real-time simulation log for team reflection and discussion.

Performance Tracking

Track and measure training progress

Transform Conventional Simulation, Unleash Scalable Learning Efficiency, Improve Patient Safety

Learn faster

22% less time than high-fidelity simulation.

Increase Engagement

3.75 times more emotionally connected. 1.5 times more focused

Better prepared

275% more confident to act on what they learned after training.

Save cost

More than 70% cost savings vs high fidelity manikin simulation.

Reduced error

40% reduction in medical error.

Virtual reality in mental health treatment provides a wide range of possibilities by immersing the user in multiple scenarios relevant to their daily life. VR benefits by being easily available and may be provided as self-guided or at the clinicians’ office.

Tine Nordgreen
Associate Professor, Research Centre for Digital Mental Health Services, Haukeland University Hospital

With VR training, we can enhance the learning outcome of our students when handling realistic emergency situations. After evaluating all proposed solutions, we are confident that Skillup has the expertise and the most scalable and competitive solution for what we are looking for.

Jorunn Løge
Avdelingsleder, Fagskolen Rogaland

We can alter the difficulty level of cases, to fit the skill level of the team using Skillup platform. The platform makes it possible to train more frequently and even train with colleagues at other locations, saving time and cost. Improvements that will ultimately help us to make better clinical decisions and improve quality in emergency care.

Dr. Per Erik Kemlen
Consultant, Department of Anesthesiology, Sørlandet Hospital (SSHF), Arendal, Norway

Trauma team training requires simultaneous attendance of many different groups of on call personnel and it is limited to how many trainees can be trained at the same time. With Skillup, trainees can access virtual patients and scenarios and the training can be repeated. This gives us the opportunity for high volume training that did not exist before.

Dr. Thomas Geisner
Department Chief, Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway

Skillup immersive platform addresses space constraints and limited resources faced by medium-sized hospitals and eliminates the necessity of physical presence even when training together with different hospitals. It thus allows for high-volume trauma team training and increased readiness, ensuring quality and efficiency in trauma care.

Dr Athanasios Xanthoulis
Consultant in General & Digestive Surgery, Nord-Trøndelag Hospital Trust , Levanger Hospital, Associate Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway